& i told myself,
that no matter how tough it gets,
i will get the tough going.
i will outdone those that i cant outrun.
but at the end of the day, i dont really know what i want.
& sometimes, it comes to a point where i cant admit nor i will deny.
so neutral shall it goes then.
& anybody can say anything.
cause i wont lose myself, nor will i lose others.so it's all back to monday blues baybeh!
had badminton early morning!
then met up with shazie to eaaaaaat then accompany qayyum to buy work shoe!
dude, dont be down man! you've got a whole lot of life in your soul. you gotta be onwards & on going. dont let anything bring you down okay!

so tuesday was another busy day.met up with shazie & azil to get my jeans repaired & pictures are at shazie's digi cam that is waterproof one, the new one sey people! hahaha.eat at Pastamania (again!) then off to walk around.soon after at night, met up with superpeople of HD CS.sorry people, i cant join you guys for late dinner & movieeee!aghhhh! am so gonna make it up to you people. but im so packed!

what's up with wednesday was that i was working!i came pretty late, about 10.45am.gosh, that day was so dramatic!with alot of things happening at one go.from the office taking our tables & chairs, to the china customer, to me being so cocky, to the mechanic person that repair workplace's tempting freezer, to alot of laughters, to irsyad being kepo & many other things!my head seriously noneng2 man!but amilia aman & rin fetch me up for their early dinner which was my only meal of the day! heh.
& wednesday was also lovely mom's birthday!may you be blessed with utmost happiness, good & great children (ahem!ehehe!) & long-lasting marriage & all the good things in your life!love love you ibu!& thursday was aus paus maus firdaus birthday!picture was taken when we went out for a movie!
that was last year man!
& in that theatre was only me & him & another couple.so we watched a funny movie & i tell you, we laughed like shit.cos seriously no other people so we throw popcorn everywhere! hahaha!
so that guy enrolled for motor already!my turn will be soon!!!friday was kinda a last minute gathering with the usual G-Girls! (great girls i mean! heh.)so we fetched rin from work!then off for coffee.& azil & myself shopping sakan.
& firah was there toooo!

i cant wait for next week's hectic week!Labels: that gave much happiness
what a week, people!wednesday was baaaaaaaaaad, i tell you.i was having fever but had to drag my body off to study with the boys!

so i was pretty pissed off when the group gets bigger with uninvited people around.so there were not only The Usuals Best-Boys ( sham, danial aziz, danial alzulfik, luqman, izwan syafiq & yazir, but also firdaus, saayed, fudhail, hazwan, sufiyan & for god knows who else is there.but nevertheless, that will be my LAST study outing with the B-boys.since im going to Poly. ( which i still have not wholeheartedly happy with )next up after mechanical engineering drafting design paper on Thursday, which ends up so well, some of the B-boys along with sakinah & eivind came down to budak2 year 2 graduating chalet at Aloha!
dig this shit, people!

alzulfik baby! heehee.
sham! who always accompany me for a ride to woodlands to meet the B-boys!

definitely will miss mr philip tan!so Friday was up & i had to work 3-11. what else! hahaha.& the people of HD TM + HD CS combined energy to have a last minute midnight movie outing at Ehub!
i was the only one with work uniform!

there were about 10 of us!HD TM - shi hui, alan, dina, syafiqah.HD CS - katherine, viona, alan, irsyad, faisal, myself!
i bumped into Lukman, Ali & Zaidi! miss you wonder boys many2!
had a late supper at pasir ris central.
& that brought me back memories when i used to go to NPCC Day Parade 2006 with mustaqim, shahid, farah & many others...speaking about mustaqim, DUDE. PLEASE COME HOME ASAP! i want my souvenir la dey! hehe. & so long never fight2 with you alrdy.& to shahid, hope you're going well & better than never.so anyway, i got back really late into the wee hours of the morning.thanks to faisal's elder bro for sending most of us home!& i got into trouble with my parents. haha.time to be a wildchild!so Saturday was madrasah as always.4 people only came. wow!syafiq, syukri, shahidah & myself.so we bet with ustazah khadijah who's handwriting is nicer, hers or syukri's.end up she lost then she blanja everyone pizza!that's a great bet or what! hahaha.
& to Muhammad Irsyaduddin Bin Iskandar,have a safe journey back & fro to Bali yeah!you owe me a souvenir & that 1 tong of water from Bali to cure my effing bad cough!& you are the worst matrep wannabe ever!& everytime we fight, YOU LOSE!
& to izham, i just declared that you are the most good looking guy at workplace! ( on that truth or truth game after ytd night's supper )& of course you are!irsyad wont win this title, dont you worry! hehehe.be strong dude, no matter how life goes for you.im gonna see you at engine school at TP then!
if anyone see this person out there anywhere in Singapore, PLEASE give me a call straightaway.he's that anehoo not hanifoo.dude, go call my dad.FISHING LAH DOK! overnight sama2 eh eh eh.that's all for now folks!im gonna have a long line up for great plans this coming holidays!till then.it's like you are feeling at your best,& then it starts to fall apart.but sometimes the best may be hard.if you never live with your heart.Labels: panic at the scene