when something starts, it marks the end of another thing...so HAPPY 18th BIRTHDAY for
Rin Fitria!celebrated on 22th of April, as usual, G-Girls will meet up!& even though we didnt really do anything, that wiwin got alot of great presents from us man!so i wanna wish this beloved barney my best wishes in her future endeavours & may she be blessed with utmost happiness!!!
so over on Friday - meet up with Azil to go Wisma Mendaki & settle some financial stuffs.i was pissed off in bus 31 on the way back to Tamp even though both Azil & myself were laughing uncontrollably!you know the sec 1 girls for CHIJ Katong Convent, they are soooooo innocent looking faces but they talk & act like some minahreps MY age. & oh my, you people should have listened & viewed their language & actions. okay, so nevermind that. the lady beside Azil told them off anyway.

off to fetch
Rin from work then head on to
Shazie's house to slack & play the new electronic Monopoly, people!

blahblahblah.get well soon, sufian!work was, well, -_-hahahaha, cos i dont know how to describe workplace anymore.it's just filled with alot of laughter & merry & sadness & disappointment & anger & everything else at one go.

Then michelle spent the night with me by eating & shop around!so long havent meet that Kepo Sitoh lah.she's such a bitch, you know?but i still love her anyway!& im like so paisey la, all over tampines with work uniform!let's meet up along with Firah & Shermaine, shall we!

first week of school was chaotic man! everyday also get lost dont know at where.im like soooo blur!if at ite tamp i need to take 3 mths to remember 5 blocks, what about TP ey!!!!so anyway, i gotta get myself immune to LECTURE, TUTORIAL & LAB.which is way different from ITE's theory & practical lessons only.speaking of which, I MISS MY ITE LIFE MAN!miss everyone, the nasi lemak, the mexican spicy chicken, everything & anything.
definitely the best mates around!a human's life is like a kite.when you got caught in between tree branches, you're in a difficult position.& when you are flying freely filled with happiness, you wont even think of anything else.but then you began to wonder,that in the middle of 2 situation,there's always hope,there's always faith,there's always love.Labels: pick up after
spent quite a time with workmates this week especially!chalet at costa sands was well, nice & maybe or maybe not cosy?i dont know how to explain since i only came for thursday's night BBQ.but whatever it is, F-U-N spells it all, people!

my hair, body, face & everything else smell like BBQ smoke smoke smoke!luckily my sunsilk hair lotion helps alot! nyahaha.soon after for friday, was a very very very last minute meet up with azil!azil, i wanna meet that guy at the escalator again! again! again!WHO IS HE, MAN!? hahaha!tengok2 macam kenal!!!
i just really miss the three of you, like super serious shit, badly.& of course, the best was saved for sunday!

quite as much as i have expected.
that fire you sparkled got me melted.
realised at how much ive seen.
i was rude, bitchy & mean.
trying to prove i deserve better.
time to tell for later.
so view me next time.
when ive got the best, just for mine.
Labels: but someday it will come, definitely