awesomely,i drugged myself at work. watch the sunrise,
say your goodbyes, off you go.
some conversation,
no contemplation, hit the road.secret - maroon 5.doesnt this verse in this song fits you well, dude?
i drank 7 shots of coffee.& i still cant forget what you said & did.maybe it was a mistake right from the very start.thank you, for finishing up that space during holidays.other than that, you left me with better than nothing.i hope you're reading this.because after what happened,i cant seem to care.i cant seem to feel.i cant seem to left me numb, once you always said that's what friends are for right?& thanks, for being "that friend".or maybe it was my fault.because i tend to believe people too much.
for i hold on to that glimpse of hope.
you jolly well know what happened to me,in the past & especially everything else.yet you had to be the other one,to make the whole thing worst than just added yourself to that blacklist.
you said you're not like others.
but i bet you deceived both of us.
if you didnt see it coming.
please, take back the hope that you had given me once.
so if you dont mind,you can go away, far far away.cause if you want to stay,you better do better than that.& this song keeps coming to my head...where did i go wrong, i lost a friend.somewhere along in the bitterness.& i would have stayed up, with you all night.had i known how to save a to save a life - the fray.i havent lost you, but it feels like i just did, i just did, you know.Labels: what i have to do
James Morrison - If The Rain Must Fall.
Oh life can be strange.
Good and bad in so many ways.
And in time you will find.
That things are not always what they seem.
Well I've got something to say.
But you might laugh, joke or run away.
Coz I'm awkward and nervous.
Sometimes I don't say much at all.
But if the rain must fall.
If I lose it all.
If the world comes down and takes my soul.
If the sky turns black.
And there's no no way back.
It won't matter much to me. If I had you.
All I need is your love.
That's all I need. All I need is your love.
Oh well dreams can come true . if you know inside you really want them to.
or you can sit you can wait.
You can leave your fate in someone else's hands.
Oh but I, I want you.
And nothing else can make me feel the way you do.
So I'm waiting, I'm wishing.
That it's me you'll be holding tonight and every night.
i'm still holiday mode.
& i've been going out everyday after school.
& it's taking its toll on me as well.
& oh yes, the G-Girls meet up on Wednesday was fun!FINALLY, ALL SIX COULD MAKE IT!but sadly, no pictures taken.i guess everyone was busy with layan-ing me leh. haha.
& of course, the much expected Transformers is OUUUUUUTTTTTTTTT in the cinemas!sadly, sham & firdaus couldnt make it last minute.but i still do have syed ammar & danial aziz!anyways, congrats bro, kau dah kluarkan motor.baik pe rxz, next year kita gi racing nak nak? hahaha.& danial was off to Rebel for club.okay, after my birthday, i join lah oke? heehee.
& to this favourite matrep of mine,please dont dont worry so much aye?you got a whole life ahead of you, im sure theres many things you need to gotta be strong & pull yourself together tau!you know i'm your rehab centre counsellor right. & your words - forever make my day. hahaha!& congrats for your finished attachment, very proud of you!go away, if there's nothing much for you to say.
all i want is one more day, it's all i need.
one more day with you.Labels: leads us to nowhere
you know what i wanna do right now?i feel like going away from this bustling city, back-packing to another country, enjoy good food & just let myself go wherever my legs take me to with a peaceful mind.i dont wanna think of the reasons, the consequences, the preaches, the advices, the everything of anything.Labels: to bring myself up again
Speak, speak your mind.
You're always telling me I need to open mine.
And wait, wait your turn.
Then shut me out cause you've got nothing left to learn.
Oh, you say there's nothing wrong with being proud.
So tell me what you love and say it loud.
Now here's the dose that you've been dishing out. If you're listening this is how much it hurts.
If you're listening this is how much it hurts.
Oh, I'm wrong. I'm wrong again.
But not because of where I stand but where I've been.
And it burns.
Oh, you know it burns like hell. To know there's nothing I can do but wish you well.
john mayer - how much it hurts.
first day of school & all is swell ey!
& of course, mondays are the best cause school is only 1-5pm.
nevertheless, it's all about updating, learning & having fun!

& thanks to hani for that important things we need to settle that day!
it's been greaaaaaat!
it's scary if history were to repeat's terrible when i cant even trust's not fair when you keep to's bad when we try to judge goodnight, goodnight,
goodnight, goodnight, goodnight.
hope that things will get alright, yeah.Labels: i cannot carry the weight of the heavy world
Picture, you're the queen of everything.As far as the eye can see, under your command.I will be your guardian, when all is crumbling.I'll steady your hand.You can never say never.While we dont know when.But time, time & time again.Younger now than we were before.the fray - never say never.
i had a pretty much hectic week i must say!errrrrr. firstly, i hateeeee people who pai tao-ed me can?so auditions of music vox was one thing.then another one too.& i was out with Rin till night.of course i had much fun with the kids till night the next day.must bring abang qamarul quack quack ah next time! heehee.

wednesday was a small gathering between us four!i had blardy blader problems or what!but im glad everyone could make it though.& i bumped into fana! ( & this guy together with her )hahaha. she saw me with my dirty work uniform.& thanks mat, cause he bought shuttlecocks for me & we had a fun time with badminton!
& finally the awaited HD CS OUTING!but it was a waste that Rin & Izham couldnt make it though!

& of course, the usuals favourite colleagues.oh my irsyad!you look so hot, just like the best matrep ever!biasa juga lah kan! anak iskandar pe, nama abang aku. haha!after which got this freaky two guys called me up,
& they know alot about me.
& i knew NOTHING about them.
& they used lutfi's name.
i'm done with people stalking & chasing me okay?
i mean i'm not famous or what.
i just dont wanna be recognize for the bad things i've done.
& please dudes, dont pass my number around.
how irritating can you people be?
so is there anyone to protect me?
not forgetting, Happy 20th Birthday, Ifah!happy for this kakak2 20 sen that just got her driving license!& of course, Sunday, the last day of school hols is well spent at work!alongside after that too.sleepless night, bleach that light.
not to weep but hard to keep.
strong but yet still so fragile.
i'll let it linger, for a while.
i'm giving 6 months, as days goes on.
i'm starting to let it dry.
& if i still wont have it, then it's gone.
i hope you please, do try.sumpah aku had enough.& aku takot nak mampos.oh gastric, oh gastric.janganlah kau melampau.SCHOOL STARTS TODAY!like finally, some things to get my mind off other unnecessary things.
Labels: bayangkan bila ku melayang
i'm not saying it was your fault.
although you could have done more.well, you're so naive yet so.the kooks - naive.i had a pretty wonderful friday evening yet again!
but some fugly things had to happen though.

alas! finally got to meet up with this dearest girlfriend of mine, ifah!
& had supper with fellow work mates.
so let's just say...
im looking forward.
& i slowly take it away.
i dont want it to stay.
& as much as i want to say.
oh please, go go away.Labels: just dont let me down
back on a wild ride man!
hahaha.what does that mean?that means im tired, with no good reason.had to jam & my voice a bit croaky due to a bad cough.
eat-out with Rin & Aishah & a pretty last minute shop-about.
caught up with Nizam Blur on monday night.
thanks dude, for one of those best talk-about where i kept ranting on & on.

then off to meet Fizah bestfriend after a hell's work at TM outlet on wed.
woah, i damn missed her or what!
she's like that sugary apple pie on crispy crust with some peach milkshake man. hahaha.
i had a gooooooooood time with her & i expected MORE! nyahaha.
so had to cancelled accompanying Nizam Blur to watch hockey match at his hometown.

which leaves me for just now where i had an abrupt meet-up with bestie Danial Aziz!
hah, since he ended school really early, we decided to chill out.& he is like the best bitch-about & shopping buddy!
thanks for the great afternoon, dan!cant wait for Transformers to launch on to the cinemas!
cos im going with my B-Boys to watch it ey!

& that Nizam Blur is good in shooting throws man!i sucked. hah.let's have a brand new challenge, dude!
then we can see, who really lose okeh?then we can really catch a good movie.
& we kept getting lost.
which is so funny!
i cant wait for more outings with you!
so, i miss shak & zahrin lah. haiya.

so long people!
i cant wait for tmr's picnic with the G-Girls again!
Labels: take you down
quality time spent with my G-Girls of course last Friday for a small gathering.
got enough time to went to Shazie's house i goreng the roti telur for the picnic. must meet many many more okay baby! heehee. cant wait for the next picnic, beautiful girls!

too bad, Rin couldnt make it due to Worldskills training.
no sweat dok, this week kau mai lai! hahaha.
then i met up with Azil & Rin to shop around for a while.thanks girls, for a wonderful time together!
working FULL SHIFT was well, kinda wierd.kepala otak aku bengang tau inside a mall for like 13 hours straight.
after which a short meet up with Nizam Blur!
that's what i call him.& he very selenge, i tell you.he must book in at 23.59 then ended up we finished eating by 11.55!blah blah blah, he decided to go home.& he already brought along his damn heavy bag that can clip onto his know, like primary school bag. hahaha!serves you right, military police boy, for being very degil.thanks for the iced milo & a ride homeeeeee!cant wait to see you again next weeeek!gonna update again!it's gonna be a packed holidays man!i have so many activities ahead.chao!Labels: in small little tiny things
DIG THIS SHIT, PEOPLE OF LOVE.TERM TESTS ARE OVERRRRRRRRRRRRRR!for goodness sake, let's just say smoking is over too! hahaha.
so FINALLY, hani went to madrasah on last saturday!semoga kau selalu bahagia dgn IDIOT kau!& aku love kau many2 itsy-bitsy!after the everyday reaching home at 11pm - 12am due to study groups, i feel like going home even later than usual everyday man! :)& of course, the after-effects of less sleep is haunting me down.
those best people to chiong studies with!many thanks to ZULRAIHAN, for helping myself, hafeez & sufian alot for CKT.sayang sama lu ah zul! all i can say is,
A PASSING GRADE for all modules.
& of course, i really need to jog my ass up with every modules as semestral exams are nearing!!!
nevertheless, a short meet-up with ITE mates really made my day!i actually got the time to eat that damned nasi lemak & mexican spicy chicken which i have been dreaming of for the last 7 weeks since Poly started!
& things have changed so much, since im gone from ITE.been hearing the bad things, people breaking friendships, selfish people, fucktards.why cant you people be like last time when i was there?
one thing for sure - WA SAYANG SAMA WA PUNYA B-BOYS!!!
the best yoghurt icecream ever dok!!!I miss hearing your laughter
All the little things
Forgotten what it's like to hold you
Cuz where I am right now
So unforgiving
It's numbing everything
part of chorus of Hoobastank's So Close, So Far.
i wanted to help you so much.
but then, given the situation right now, i cant.
i cant stop you.
i cant right you.
i cant bleach you.
so, let's just see how long you will last.
someday, you might understand.
when you're older.
it's so ironic - you with that face & you with that attitude.
you really taught me what's it's like.
to not judge a book by its cover.
it have been nice.
but something dont always last forever, you see.
Labels: yet so far