♥i do it well
Sunday, July 26, 2009
11:40 PM
when you cant study at pasir ris, you play poker people!
i have cool friends. do you? hah.
aik aik, IKEA BAYBEH!
this is when you hafta pack alot of fondue balls at workplace, get your whole body the smell of rich expensive icecream & get tired of it. gedik2 seh! hahaha.
when there is 2 dining tables only, WHAT DO YOU DO?you take pictures. :)
okay, thanks for fetching me from work & having a sumptuous dinner, mates!much love, X0X0.that's all folks.
okay wait. i swear. who the fuck gave my number to any other china man, bangla man, matreps who wants me to follow them go pit, or whoever lah okay. STOP IT SIAHHHHHHHHHH. really. you gotta have a life ey. you're pissing me off, asshole. i feel like punching my knuckles on you, slapping you face with my right palm & bashing you like one big ass bitch. so stay away from me will you? it has been going on for the past 2 months. you have any problems with me, please do say it in my face. dont be such a faggot kia & do nonsensical stuffs. get that inside your head ey!
for Dear Fizah Bestfriend : hurry up love & let's ton the night out! aku lama pe tunggu. masing2 busy! padehal skola sama. ape dah. dont get the blood up my brain can? hehehe. STAY FOCUS DEAR. sayang kau love!
for Amalina Amahaha : babe, I FEEL YOU. ceh. macam paham eh. but seriously. life hafta go on. no matter what ey! i think you're stronger than ever alright. you did your actions because of the situations & circumstances, darling. you should know that every choice have its consequences. there you go, along with that decision in your life. i just hope everythings gonna be alright. dont care about what people think. see it as how you wanna view it. from there, get all the possibilities & positivities. every time you fall, you gotta pull yourself up again, like never before. trust me, you're gonna lead a good life ahead, insyaAllah.
& please, i hate your guts, boy. i really do. i hate our pictures definitely. but i really hate it when you say sorry. really. go away lah okay.
Labels: i do it good
♥here today
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
11:45 PM
♥before too late
Sunday, July 19, 2009
11:55 PM
finally done with Madrasah exams!2 thumbs up, i hope to maintain my Number 1 position.but with me writing crap on those papers, i shall just see how it's going ey.meet up with Dear Firah on Sunday!even though it was short, it was sweet.she's happy about the nail polish eh!& i surprised her on Thursday night as well, me going down to Pasir Ris and getting lost at fishing pond and all.had to go to workplace and visit Viona!had a good talk with her.oh, she's sucha bitch.i love my supervisor anyway! heh.and went over to Mustaqim's place to hand over his present.okay that guy kopet2 then open the door.call him like !@#$%^&*() but didnt pick up because he was busy sleeping!damn you lah. hahaha.
I WANT THIS YELLOW BIKE, CAN?OLD SCHOOL. nyehehe.okay the puma one is nicer, but its 3000 bucks, mind you.might as well keep that money for 125z! HAHA.anyways, I REALLY NEED TO RESPRAY MY BIKE!
i want it to be pretty but hardcore lah. than can bring it anywhere. because it's nice already ey!
so i need to think of a design.
i need a RED LOCENG! what is loceng in English anyway? i need to kilatkan the bike? okay crap.
i dont need new handlebars, my break is okay. what else ahhhhh! hahaha.
OFF TO D.I.Y. shop ASAP ey!
RED COLOUR IS A MUST! so really hafta meet Amalina and we can get it done once and for all.
that means cash to spend - again! aghhhhhhhh.
but nevermind, the thought of meeting amalina - like meeting a ex-boyfriend for a catch-up!
irony right. but who cares! hahaha. she's a great babe ey.
& oh, i really miss Michelle Sitoh lah!
who tell u to be sick!
den didnt meet up with farhan & zuhairi ey.
aku sayang kau many2 lah sitoh.
please dont eat KFC with me again, dats all i ask for. :)
5th week of school and memories still so intact.and until now, still so clear.i want to not say i miss you in fact.but i still do fear.you come unexpectedly, you did your thing.you etched something deeply, you bring me in.but you wont talk, you shut me down.and as far away you walk, you left no sound.not fair, not fair at all at how you made me fall.& i'm wondering,WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU SORRY FOR!
when i can sense that you're not sorry at all...
then maybe i will be much more happier.
that damned gastric is killing me softly.
well well, what can i say!?
Labels: before too long
♥if i could have one wish
Friday, July 17, 2009
12:29 AM
people always take things for granted. why? because they are lucky i guess. they have almost everything in life. & these people should be grateful with what they own. not every individual is lucky you see. i might not have the things & people i need most right now, but i guess life goes on with or without my wants or needs. i'm just glad that i dont take things for granted. so people of love, what you have is not for your to fret. cherish it as much as you can, because you will never know when its gonna be taken away from you. & i remember when He took your life away.let these pictures speak for themselves.

Thanks to Darling Shazie for fetching me up after work!Then off for dinner @ LJS!OH MY, FIRST TIME she said my hair not stress!
& this week in school.
& of course this makcik hafta break her fast. haha.
last minute lepak at downtown maccafe.oh gosh, ramai matreps.all my clan. hahaha!
when studying gets me craaaazyyyyy!let's just say,i'm tired of everything. every single thing.& the only place i run to almost everyday is block belakang till night.i read back my diary & i saw something i wrote before.guess who is it for?semakin lama, semakin renggang.semakin lupa, semakin sedih, semakin hiba.semakin menanggung rindu di hati.sayang ini tidak berbelah bagi.semakin mungkar semua janji.semakin berputar fikiranku.semakin sayang ingin beku.semakin sukar bertemu.apatah lagi meluangkan waktu.semakin diam diberi.semakin sayang tiada balas erti.semakan tak sehati,semakin sepi dirasai.aku meratapi hari demi hari.aku tak ingin menanti.kerana semakin hari semakin tiada harapan lagi.so why havent i, oh why cant i still forget you no matter how much i try?when will i see your face again? - jamie scott and the town.Labels: we would be bestfriends
♥goodnight, goodnight
Sunday, July 12, 2009
1:35 AM
damn you.
kick away your inside alter ego, dude.dont feel intimidated, dont feel insecure.i dont think we did start any feud.but now things are not as before.why & why did you do this?does it seem that you're done here?oh tell me, tell me please.what is it that you fear?i dont want your sorry or your sympathy.all i need is a friend.but the words you said lingers around me,i feel that it's the end.if you think you're not the one.then you must be wrong.because i want you to be someone.in my life all along.so try as hard as i might.it feels like i cant anymore.because of you i'm willing to fight.but my heart is beginning to sore.
now you got to go away,
i detest your words, actions & everything.
i dont think it's best if you stay.
it's just too much to take, too much to think.
Monday was all set out for IWD's presentation.The dread came when we missed out one important feature & that teacher wasnt happy with what we did!So we went out, the boys took a smoke break & gosh. let's just say everything didnt end up well at all.But who cares, i had a great time with these people doing this project! heh.
Talk about Tuesday with my favourite B-boys!Kinda last minute but i definitely had fun fun fun with them around!& of course i miss having you boys company in my life.Korang must stay together okay.Aku definitely sayang korang many2!
Wednesday and done with Wrtoral's powerpoint slides.The girls kept me laughing & i bumped into Fana.After which my B-boys came to have early dinner at Macd Maccafe Tamp once again!so it's a two days straight with the boys & im super duper happy! heh.
Finally Thursday came to end 2nd presentation of the week!We got a B+, something im quite satisfied of! yeay!Followed along with meet-up with Dear Bestfriend!Glad to see you dear. Next week ton ah! :)
& of course, Friday had to come to have a wonder times with Rin & Azil.Rin was really freaky that day!She influenced me & Azil freaked out! hahaha.
Thanks for fetching me in school!
Am done with Sejarah, Arab & Hadith exams for Saturday's madrasah.Cant wait for next week to end it all!& off to meet Sufian to kick ass on Engineering Maths.He sure made my day.Long hours ey till we hafta wait till the rain stops. But it didnt.
Dang, such a damnit hectic school life.& im working as per usual later in the morning.& everyday im feeling tired.sigh.Labels: hope that things will get alright
♥once, twice, thrice
Monday, July 6, 2009
12:33 AM

vast experiences led me to many circumstances.
it made me learned.
sometimes, it's hard to bear the consequences.
but it's a feeling i've always yearned.
i hate it when i always appear optimistic.
especially infront of others.
that i often delude & deny my ownself.
i hate it when i always advice others.
but i couldnt put the same for myself.
i hate it, i hate it.
& a song to end today.seventeen is just a test.
yeah and i would recommend.
that you live with no regrets.
and even if it seems.
like the world was crushing on you.
you shouldnt let it hold you down.
shouldnt hold you back.
oh no.
oh no.
the red jumpsuit apparatus - seventeen aint so sweet.
& you know what, eighteen is still the same. just that im damnit stronger.
Labels: GONE
♥slowdance on the inside
Saturday, July 4, 2009
11:44 PM
come back to me - david cook.
i kept myself busy.just to find you missing.i kept myself empty.but my insides are screaming.My weeknights was well spent of course!
From the eat-out & shopping with
Sufian.To the lepak & taiti & coffee with
Hani.Alongside doing project with
Zahrin, Iqbal & Shak. & off to meet
Azillah & Syafiqah.
Then the karaoke session with
Suhendi & Aishah.
Followed along with meeting
Azillah again,
Anesa, Ifah, Imran & Hisham!
some of the pictures.

congrats to abang iwan for his engagement!sorry i didnt attend because of madrasah's examLabels: by Taking Back Sunday
♥i dont know where i crossed the line
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
11:38 PM
so who cares anyway?
fatigue. please dont stop the rain - james morrison.either way, i lose. you get it?
Labels: or didnt say this time, was it something that i say